USGS rain-gage data shown in the table are available at Water Data for the Nation : Current Missouri Precipitation Radar Forecasts Rivers and Lakes Climate and Past Weather Local Programs This is an automatically generated product providing a summary of rain gauge reports. The month with the most precipitation on average is September with 3.9.

Areas shown in the lightest green received less than one inch of water from rain or snow. Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages Muskegon. Current Conditions for Colorado: Precipitation - 100 site (s) found PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION Customize table to display other current-condition parameters Precipitation in inches 1 hour 4 hours 24 hours 7 days Precip- Adams County 06720460 FIRST CR BEL BUCKLEY RD, AT ROCKY MTN ARSENAL, CO 06/25 17:15 MDT 0 0 0 1. Half colored icons designate gage data that appears to be logging correctly but is over 1 hour and 15 minutes older than the NWISWeb time stamp at the top of the Rainfall page. Q: What do the colors mean A: Climate divisions shown in white received little or no measurable precipitation for the month. The average temperature Hour by hour weather updates and local hourly weather.The darker the color on the map, the higher the precipitation for the month. Areas shown in the lightest green received less than one inch of water from rain or snow. Daily Precipitation for July, 1984 Day of month Stations Drainage basin 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Hourly and Daily values are calculated from the last time a gage value was updated, which is not necessarily the time this web page was updated. Q: What do the colors mean A: Climate divisions shown in white received little or no measurable precipitation for the month. * For precipitation values less than 0.01 inches, the USGS gage symbol is white and the NWS overlay is transparent.
Legend colors apply to both USGS gage and National Weather Service precipitation overlays (at full opacity).